MdadaZ (2017)


Christmas 2015, I was fairly concerned about one particular speech.
The first idea of the setting of the text was to record a Christmas speech of the current government leader with the Siri dictation system in order to bring confusion between the language of the source and the result. To be more specific, import and transfer dictated the Czech language to English.
This, however, had not proved to be as compelling as I thought in terms of the “meaning”, even though the intention was to create a nonsense parody text. Hence, I have found another solution using an online gibberish generator ( which had turned out to be the most compelling solution, for even though the generator could not have understood the meaning of the source, its algorithm somehow satisfied my intention in the greatest way. I, then, decided to keep the original in Czech and use the generated result. It brightly reversed all the leader said into the contradictory meaning and kept the intended tone of parody:

Tahle země není naše welcome”.
Potom někdo poselství potom někdo poradil.
Potom někdo poselství bych vám chtěl říci dvě závěrečné věty. Tahle země není naše –
Refugees welcome“. Potom někdo poradil těmto
organizátorům, že našich zpravodajských služeb
dostal informaci, že naše – Refugees welcome“.
Potom někdo poselství bych vám chtěl říci dvě
závěrečné věty. Tahle země není a ani nemůže
být nápisem Bych vám chtěl říci Refugees
welcome”. není od jedné z naše. hloupým svého
vánočního poselství A tahle země není
naše – Refugees welcome“. A závěrem svého
vánočního poselství bych vám chtěl říci dvě
závěrem svého vánočního poradili o něco méně
hloupým nápis

This country does not belong to us welcome”.
Then someone tidings then someone advised.
Then someone tidings I would like to tell you two
final sentences. This country does not belong to us –
Refugees welcome”. Then someone advised these
organizers that the rapporteur services of ours he
received information that our – Refugees welcome”.
Then someone tidings I would like to tell you two
final sentences. This country is not and cannot be
even the inscription I would like to tell you Refugees
welcome”. is not from the one of ours. fatuous mine
Christmas tidings And this country does not belong
to us – Refugees welcome”. And in conclusion of my
Christmas tidings I would like to tell you two
in conclusion of my Christmas they advised a slightly
less fatuous inscriptio.

Live recording by Punkt Choir at Praga Cantat, 2019
recorded by Ondřej Rozum

Source of the artwork:, Ondřej Höppner

Available to listen at

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